Monday, November 7, 2011

Jesus yoke ( its no joke )

When Jesus was taken up into Glory, He did not intend to leave us helpless and vulnerable or susceptible to the elements of this world or the principalities in it.
When a woman gives birth to a baby, does she leave it to defend its self, no, she feeds nurtures, protects and educates the baby until it is in a position to provide for its own needs and then in turn, for the needs of others.
In the same way God has provided for His children, when we first receive Jesus it is like when we are first born, we know very little about our father (God) or life in general, we make a lot of mistakes and our only form of communication is crying. In this time God feeds, nurtures, protects and educates us in preparation to go and accomplish what He has set for us to do.
Over time a baby learns to crawl, then starts to try and walk, it is very wobbly on its feet and falls down a lot but it keeps trying to stand and walk. Sometimes when it falls down it hurts but what does the baby do, it tries again and again and again. Eventually the child can not only walk with ease, they run, then skip and jump. In fact they can do these things so well that they do it without even thinking about it and can even teach others how to do it.
At the start the child falls down over and over again, but as the child grows the falling down becomes less and less until, as an adult, falling down is very rare indeed.

How does the small child learn these things, no one can explain to the baby how to crawl, it doesn’t even speak yet. What encourages the child to try and stand on its feet, and why does the baby continue to try even after it keeps falling down. I’ll tell you why. It’s because that little kid, who is still in nappies and can’t even talk can see others doing it. Mum and dad walk around quickly and easily, they can bend over and pick things up or even stand on a chair and put something high. Big sister runs and jumps all over the place she doesn’t crawl on the floor like I do.
That youngster realises that he does not belong on the floor, he desires that thing that was put up high, and so the standing, then walking, then jumping and skipping process starts.

Becoming  and remaining  a Christian is much the same.

God has provided everything that we need as a Christian to first crawl then walk and eventually reach the high thing. We Learn by watching and imitating our Father (God) and our big brother (Jesus).

Jesus said in Matthew 11:29-30, Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

This is why we read the bible and listen to others teach about Jesus; we can see how things are done Gods way. We can see how Jesus walked and observe what he taught and from that we ourselves can learn how to walk, speak, heal, teach, prophecy, discern and so on.

Isaiah 54:13 says, All your sons (Children) will be taught by the LORD, and great will be your children's peace.

John 6:45 It is written in the Prophets: 'They will all be taught by God.' Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me.

Even as a baby goes through human processes to be able to grow, walk and speak we go through Godly processes to achieve Godliness.

It is at this point that we need to ask ourselves am I learning from Jesus, have I taken his yoke upon me, that I may learn from him or am I yoked to something else.

A yoke is a device that is used to tie two beasts of burden (Oxen or Bulloks) together.  The younger ox is yoked to an older ox which has already been trained and knows what its doing. Because they are tied together the young ox has no choice, but to learn from the older one, even though it sometimes resists or falters, the older ox is strong, it knows its job and continues with the task that has been given.
Eventually the young ox learns the job well and even becomes able to train another. 
Again we have to ask ourselves whose yoke have I taken.

Is it the yoke of Jesus, or is it the yoke of education?

Is it the yoke of Jesus or the yoke of prosperity?

Is it the yoke of Jesus or is it the yoke of Religion

Is it the yoke of Jesus or is it the yoke of the world.

Jesus Himself said “by their fruits you shall know them”

What are fruits anyway?

Put simply a fruit is the product of growth which contains in itself the power to reproduce after its own kind.

Jesus explained it like this: Matthew 7: 16-20 16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

In other words a grape will always produce a grape, a thorn will always produce a thorn.

A human will always produce a human and spirit will always produce spirit.

So what is the point I am trying to make, what can we learn from these things.

Jesus will always produce Jesus, or to put it another way a Christian will always produce Christian.

Let’s take a look at the fruit that Jesus produced what were the results of His life.
He preached, He prayed, he healed, He cast out demons and so on.
But what was the main thing that Jesus did while he was doing all these?

He trained his disciples.

This is how we measure ourselves, this is how we can test if we are yoked to Christ and learning from Him or if we are yoked to another.

We compare our fruits to His fruits.

How do we measure up.

Are we still babies, being hearers only, but never doing anything, always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth, Having a form of Godliness but denying the power of God.

Do we deceive ourselves. (James 1:22, 2Tim 3:7)

I Challenge you to Test yourself,

Yoke yourself to Christ, Learn from Him,

For the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
WE MUST BE READY (Mat 25:13)

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