Sunday, May 23, 2010

1st Post

Hello to all, my name is Des and I am a Christian, a follower of Christ. I have started this blog with the intention of sharing what I know about Christ and being a Christian. Why not read this for a start and comment if you like.

John 1;1-3
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning.
3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
The word of God is the most powerful force that man (the universe) has ever known. It has more power than the greatest cyclone the strongest earthquake or the hottest fire.
It brought the world into being, separated the day from night and set the stars in the sky. The spoken word brought forth the animals and plants and caused them to reproduce after their own kind.
Gen 2:7
God formed man from the dust and breathed life into him.
Gen 1:26
And gave him rule (dominion, authority) over all the earth.
Gen 2:17
And then gave His word, for when you eat of it you will surely die”
Gen 3: 6 Gen 3:23
Man sinned (Disobeyed the word of God). In doing this man (Adam) effectively handed the rule or authority over the earth to satan, (sin) and was cast out of the garden of eden.
Mankind reproduced and multiplied on the earth and the sin increased until the time of the flood.
During this period of time mankind had no rules or law to live by, they were allowed to live according to their own will.
Their sins became so great that God had to flood the entire earth to cleanse it of sin.
This period of time allows us to see that mankind can not survive by his own will. Without the word of God we will surely die. Romans says “the wages of sin is death”
Next is The Law
After the flood, man again multiplied and started to fill the earth.
Again sin was ever present among the people.
God, through Moses introduced the law (the 10 commandments; Deut chapter 10 onwards) for man to live by, He gave man an intricate set of rules and regulations so that no matter what a person did or where he went there was a law to point them in the right direction.
Mankind continually disobeyed these words of God and continued to cause his own self destruction.
It is impossible for people to keep every law of God because of the nature of sin that has been passed down through the generations, even from Adam.
, (new living translation) When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned
This time of the law is like an example, ie; even with an intricate set of guidelines to show the way man does not keep the word of God.
And now, the main event…..Jesus
God took the word, that created the universe, that separated night from day, that put the sun and moon in the sky, that gave authority over all the earth to man,
God took that word and clothed him in flesh. John 1;14
Do you know what Jesus did.
He is the only person …ever… to keep the word of God
Without the law he kept the word of God… he used his own free will to choose the will of God
With the law, he kept the word of God… because he followed the law perfectly.
Even after 40 days of starvation he would not break the word of God when being temped by satan, in fact he spoke the word to overcome him.
Jesus is the only person to have ever lived on the face of the earth who has the right, of his own free will, to eternal life.
Then he gave up that life….
Jesus, of his own free will died on the cross.
He submitted to the most dreadful punishment and then gave up his life so that you and I can have the inheritance (eternal life) that Adam gave away.
He didn’t stop there, he took all the sin, the broken word, the sickness and the suffering into hell and took the keys of hell and death off the devil and then rose from the dead. Death could not hold him, because he kept the word of God
The authority that Adam gave to the devil by breaking the word, Jesus took from the devil by keeping the word and gave it back to those who believe.

Please read this to find out more.

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